Bhavik N. Patel, MD, MBA, Assistant Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology. Director of Clinical Trials. Director of Body CT.
Research description: Dr. Patel’s research focuses on advanced image analysis and identification of imaging biomarkers that serve as prognostic biomarkers for tumors. His group has developed specialized imaging techniques that allow visualization of such biomarkers that would otherwise not be possible with conventional imaging. His work and research interest involve several areas of pancreatic biology, including pancreatitis and cystic and solid neoplasms. In addition to radiomics with texture analysis, he and his group have led dual-energy CT implementation at Stanford, a technique that allows improved visualization of and assessment of tumor response. Finally, Dr. Patel’s research also involved artificial intelligence in medical imaging.
Selected relevant publications (Stanford PCRG members in bold):
Chang ST, Jeffrey RB, Patel BN, DiMaio MA, Rosenberg J, Willmann JK, Olcott EW. Preoperative Multidetector CT Diagnosis of Extrapancreatic Perineural or Duodenal Invasion Is Associated with Reduced Postoperative Survival after Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Preliminary Experience and Implications for Patient Care. Radiology. 2016 Jul 20:152790.
Godfrey DJ, Patel BN, Adamson JD, Subashi E, Salama JK, Palta M. Triphasic contrast enhanced CT simulation with bolus tracking for pancreas SBRT target delineation. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2017 Apr 13.
Bellini D, Gupta S, Ramirez-Giraldo JC, Fu W, Stinnett SS, Patel B, Mileto A, Marin D. Use of a Noise Optimized Monoenergetic Algorithm for Patient-Size Independent Selection of an Optimal Energy Level During Dual-Energy CT of the Pancreas. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2016 Aug 25.
Patel B, Thomas J, Lockhart M, Berland L, Morgan DE. Single source dual energy spectral multidetector CT of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: optimization of energy level viewing significantly increases lesion conspicuity. Clin Radiol. 2013 Feb;68(2):148-54.