Jeffrey A. Norton, M.D., Robert L. and Mary Ellenburg Professor of Surgery: Chief, Surgical Oncology: Division of General Surgery, Dept. of Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine

Selected relevant publications (Stanford PCRG members in bold):

  1. Cisco R, Jeffrey RB, Norton JA, Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas: an unexpected finding after minor abdominal trauma. Dig Dis Sci 2010;55(2):240-241.

  2. Norton JA, Harris EJ, Chen Y, Visser BC, Poultsides GA, Fisher GA, Kunz PC, Jensen RT, Pancreatic endocrine tumors with major vascular abutment, involvement or encasement and indication for resection. Arch Surg 2011;146 (6),724-732.

  3. Pai RK, Beck AH, Mitchem J, Linehan DG, Chang DT, Norton JA. Pattern of lymph node involvement and prognosis in pancreatic adeno carcinoma: direct lymph node invasion has similar survival to node negative disease. Am J Surg Patho 2011;35:228-34.

  4. Tun MT, Pai RK, Kwok S, Dong A, Gupta A, Visser BC, Norton JA, Poultsides GA, Banergee S, Van Dam J, Chen AM, Friedland S, Scott BA, Verma R, Lowe AW and Park, WG. : Diagnostic Accuracy of Cyst Fluid Amphiregulin in Pancreatic Cysts BMC Gastroenterology 2012; Feb14;12:15. doi 10.1186/1471-230x-12-15.

  5. Visser BC, Ma Y, Zak Y, Poultsides GA, Norton JA, Rhoads KF. Failure to comply with NCCN guidelines for management of pancreatic cancer compromises outcomes. HPB (Oxford) 2012, Aug 14 (8) 539-47.

  6. Poultsides GA, Huang LC, Chen Y, Visser BC, Pai RK, Jeffrey OB, Park WG, Chen AM, Kunz PL, Fisher GA, Norton JA. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: radiographic calcifications correlate with grade and metastasis. Ann Surg Onc 2012. Jul;19(7):2295-303.

  7. Norton JA, Fraker DL, Alexander HR, Jensen RT. Value of surgery in patients with negative imaging and sporadic Zollinger Ellison syndrome. Ann Surg Sept. 2012:256 (3)509-517.

  8. Krampitz GW, Norton JA, Poultsides, GA, Visser BC, Sun L, Jensen RT. Lymph nodes and survival in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Arch Surg Sept 2012;147 (9),820-828.

  9. Park WG, Wu M, Bowen R, Zheng M,Fitch WL, Pai RK, Wodziak D, Visser BC, Poultsides GA Norton JA, Banerjee S, , Chen AM, Friedland S, Scott BA, Pasricha PJ, Lowe AW, Peltz G. Metabolimic-derived novel cyst fluid biomarkers for pancreatic cysts: glucose and kynurenine. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Aug;78(2):295-302.

  10. Zikos T, Pham K, Bowen R, Chen AM, Banerjee S, Friedland S, Dua MM, Norton JA, Poultsides GA, Visser BC, Park WG. Cyst Fluid Glucose is Rapidly Feasible and Accurate in Diagnosing Mucinous Pancreatic Cysts, Am J Gastroenterol 2015 Jun;110(6):909-14.

  11. Cloyd JM., Kopecky KE., Norton JA., Kunz,PL., Fisher GA, Visser BC, Dua MM, Park WG, Poultsides GA. Neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas: Degree of cystic component predicts prognosis. Surgery 2016; 160 (3): 708-713.

  12. Krampitz GW, George BM., Willingham SB, Volkmer J, Weiskopf K, Jahchan, N, Newman,AM, Sahoo D, Zemek AJ, Yanovsky RL, Nguyen JK, Schnorr PJ, Mazur PK, SageJ, Longacre TA, Visser BC Poultsides GA Norton, JA, Weissman I. Identification of tumorigenic cells and therapeutic targets in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America L.2016; 113 (16): 4464-4469.

  13. Kidess-Sigal E, Liu HE, Triboulet MM, Che J, Ramani VC., Visser BC, Poultsides GA, Longacre TA., Marziali A, Vysotskai, V, Wiggi, M, Heirich K, Hanft V, Keilholz U, Tinhofer I, Norton JA, Lee M, Sollier-Christen E, Jeffrey SS. Enumeration and targeted analysis of KRAS, BRAF and PIK3CA mutations in CTCs captured by a label-free platform: Comparison to ctDNA and tissue in metastatic colorectal cancer ONCOTARGET 2016; 7 (51): 85349-85364.

  14. Sighinolfi M, Quan, SY Lee Y, Ibaset, A, Pham,K, Dua MM, Poultsides GA, Visser BC, Norton JA, Park WG. Fukuoka and AGA Criteria Have Superior Diagnostic Accuracy for Advanced Cystic Neoplasms than Sendai Criteria. Digestive diseases and sciences 2017; 62 (3): 626-632.