Gabrielle's Angel Foundation for Cancer Research Medical Research Grants


For over two decades, Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation has provided significant financial support to some incredibly promising physician scientists, who are applying novel and state-of-the-art techniques to address fundamental problems in the genesis and treatment of blood related cancers. Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation funds cutting-edge research in the fields of leukemia, lymphoma, and related cancers of the blood.

Support research that focuses on cancer prevention, detection, and treatments that are most likely to be translated into clinical trials within a 3 – 5 year period. The Foundation not only funds mainstream scientific research but also projects that combine integrative (complementary) therapies or botanical agents. Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation remains committed to funding innovative, translational proposals and to supporting promising independent early-career investigators, rather than well-established, senior scientists.

FundingThe total award shall not exceed $225,000 ($75,000 per year over 3 years (contingent on the submission of acceptable annual progress reports). Overhead costs cannot exceed 10% (or $22,500) of the total grant award ($7,500 per year). Additional information at SCI Funding Opportunity website

Eligibility: Refer to the SCI Funding Opportunity website for ALL eligibility requirements.  

Timeline: SCI internal deadline  June 8, 2018, 5 pm

Additional information: 
SCI Funding Opportunity website