Pancreatic Cancer Collective New Therapies Challenge


The Pancreatic Cancer Collective (PCC) is an initiative of the Lustgarten Foundation and Stand Up To Cancer to improve pancreatic cancer patient outcomes. The Pancreatic Cancer Collective will accelerate research for pancreatic cancer patients who desperately need better treatments. Through the Collective, these two leading organizations in the cancer community, with input from thought leaders, will create a dynamic and fluid network to engage and influence medical institutions, researchers and companies, aligned to achieve something bigger and more meaningful. For more information, visit


The Pancreatic Cancer Collective New Therapies Challenge represents a new, focused effort to increase the number of innovative and effective therapies to treat pancreatic cancer by support of pre-clinical and clinical development efforts. The Pancreatic Cancer Collective, a strategic collaboration of the Lustgarten Foundation and Stand Up To Cancer, will support collaborative, and multi-disciplinary Teams to investigate novel or repurposed medicines, treatment strategies or technologies that have the potential to significantly impact pancreatic cancer patients in the near term. The New Therapies Challenge involves a two-step approach that will provide initial, short-term funding to a number of applicants (Round 1), followed by additional funding for a subset of Round 1-funded Teams (Round 2) for clinical studies More details on the two Rounds are as follows:

Round 1

• The first round of funding will support studies to evaluate a novel or repurposed medicine, treatment strategy or technology for use in pancreatic cancer treatment.

• Proposed studies will contain clear milestones for success and culminate in a plan and/or approval for clinical testing.

• $1 million awards with a 14-month term will be provided to successful applicants.

• Awardees will be asked to execute contracts and sub-contracts by November 1, 2018.

• Awardees will be required to submit a written progress report, and a proposal for Round 2 funding 10 months after the beginning of the grant term.

Round 2

• The second round of funding will support clinical studies of the most promising Teams from Round  1.

• Proposed studies will contain milestones and deliverables, including a clinical trial enrollment strategy designed to fully accrue any trials by the end of the grant term.

• $4 million awards with a 3-year term will be provided to successful applicants.

• The composition of the selected Teams in Round 1, may be expanded for Round 2 to include additional expertise.

• Teams will be required to submit scientific progress reports and may be required to attend an in-person review meeting every six months throughout the grant term. 

• Teams will be required to submit a monthly clinical trial report for all open trials.